LAST UPDATE: Jan 26, 2022 9:16 PM (MST)

On Tuesday, January 25th, 2022, we were made aware of a ransomware threat targeting our primary data server. This is affecting our ability to run the automation system that powers the Loudspeaker One radio stream. We are currently investigating the scope of the attack and working on restoring data. In the meantime, the standard broadcast schedule on Loudspeaker One has been interrupted, and we have contingencies in place to continue broadcasting.

No sensitive information was compromised, nor was the website or Loudspeaker mobile app. ColoRadio, Loudspeaker Talk, and Back to the 80's Radio run on a separate system and are unaffected.

The attackers were able to wipe out our music library, which we must now rebuild from scratch.

More updates as we have them.

How You Can Help

We sustain Loudspeaker with the help of our community, and there are two ways you can help: